

Hi and welcome! I’m glad you’re here.

After many years of teaching and practice, I wholeheartedly believe that anyone, and everyone, can practice Yoga.

Yoga works on you from the inside out. It is not just an exercise or workout, (although it’s often a built in benefit), Yoga it is a state of being. For this reason, there are many paths of yoga. One of which is Asana (posture or physical practice). There are many styles of asana you can choose from. All of them use body and breath to create union of one’s individual self with the universal (Yoga literally translates “to join, or yoke”). Finding the right fit for you, and your body, is essential for opening up to the experience of Yoga.

I love the expression, make peace with yourself, make peace with the world. The practice of Yoga presents us with that challenge each time we go to the mat. It helps us weave the fragments of ourselves back together. It makes us feel whole, more ourselves again. Able to flow through the ups and downs of life with increased ease. This doesn’t happen over night, but it does happen over time. Even if that takes a long time the immediate benefits are still real. In all the years I’ve been teaching, I’ve yet to meet someone who didn’t say they felt better after “doing” yoga!

Each time we go to the mat, yoga reminds us that we are not just this mind, not just this body, our true self, our most essential nature, is much more than that. The answers you are seeking are not going to be found outside of yourself, they are right here waiting to be uncovered. They have always been, and will always be within you.

Inspired by over 20 years of practice, Meredith shares the teachings of yoga in hopes of helping others lead happier and healthier lives.

Meredith has taught asana (posture), pranayama (breathwork) and meditation since 2004. Early on, Meredith immersed herself in Yoga under the guidance of Master Yogi Baba Hari Dass and completed both an intensive yoga teacher training and residential yoga program at his centre in California, Mount Madonna. Over the years Meredith has been on faculty at many yoga centres in Toronto and Yoga Teacher Trainings in both Canada and the U.S.. Most winters she leads retreats in Mexico, sharing her love of travel, with her love of yoga. Meredith offers consulting services to yoga businesses and has managed several yoga studios, including most recently Roots Yoga Studio, where she was Program Director for 8 years. Her latest venture is Marigold Yoga Virtual studio, a collaboration with fellow yoga teacher Simone Nitzan.

Described as a creative and innovative teacher, Meredith’s teaching style is a reflection her personal practice that spans over 20 years. She has a deep respect for all yoga traditions and is influenced most by her study of Anusara, Classical Hatha, Restorative and Yin Yoga. The diversity of her experience allows her to provide students with a personalized approach and make yoga accessible to all. With strong attention to alignment and breath, Meredith encourages students to embody the present moment and navigate mindfully in their bodies. Her classes are dynamic, deeply therapeutic and weaved with inspiring insight, to promote peace within and without.

What People Are Saying


“I've taken classes with Meredith Bannan for some years, both in person pre-Covid and on Zoom through Covid. She remains a teacher whose yoga class I do not want to miss!I look for a feeling of trust in the teacher before surrendering into a class and listening and Meredith’s mix of Yin and Yang always creates such an atmosphere of confidence. I ever felt unsafe or ‘pushed’ and importantly, her classes are always fresh, always interesting and her sequences always new - never ‘routine’!”

— Bruce P.

“Meredith Bannan is a wonderful yoga teacher who stretches and nurtures her students. She is keenly aware of each student's abilities and limitations and gently pushes us to challenge ourselves, but to be safe in the practice. Her classes are invigorating and enlightening. I always feel better after one of Meredith's classes.”

— Lynn S.